Sunday, September 16, 2007
"Hey girl - you never got me to write a word on you."
"My bad. Here you can still do it."
I pulled out a marker (miracle of miracles that I actually had a marker on me) and handed it to her. She wrote "mami" in the crease of my arm.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The Color Full 100
Gerald Lyons
Friday, August 24, 2007
for Ana-Maurine Lara
La tarde que beo caer sobre mi rostro
wraps you in serpentine prayer.
The Body, luminous Palimpsest
of the Divine, struggles for
peace, surprise, possibility.
Family. Joy.
Epicurean site of faith,
enigmatic Temple of the Conjurer
summoning patience from summer’s
sleeping sombras (! Hola Neko!)
Effusive with hope, I go to you,
believe the prestidigitation of vespers:
Oh, pulse of the alma,
organic candle of The Beloved,
transmogrify me,
lost in omphaloskepsis.
Forget delay: Look for grace,
transcendence. Gratitude.
Acceptance. Transition from pride,
Weakness to remember reverence,
labor, the Inquisitive ideal.
Drink in health, hope, unity.
Move toward
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Ways to participate
1. Ask a stranger to write a word on you. Take a photo.
2. Pick a word out of a book. Write a poem using it.
3. Take five words from the 98 I have received, and write a poem with any combination of them.
4. Take three words from the 98 I have received, and re-arrange their letters to create a new word - completely invented.
5. Take a word that particularly strikes you and write a poem describing why.
6. Cut and paste any of the photos to create an image collage or art piece.
7. Make visual art out of the words.
The 100 words (well, 98 really)
Ran-anim hi
Hey how are you
la glace
[dog’s paw print]
la tarde que beo caer sobre mi rostro
Mo bá Hánnàh pàde nínú yàrá kòmpútà
I wrote a note to myself: GET A WORD!!! And so, as I sat in the computer room at the Center for African & African American Studies at UT, I jumped to do it. I turned to the woman sitting next to me. She was quietly placing an electronic clock back in her bag. Bunmi is her name. I sat with marker in hand.
"Hi...I'm doing a writing project."
She looked at me inquisitively - as an odd sort of specimen that somehow brought the landscape into focus. She smiled and agreed to write something. With pen in hand, she asked me my name, and then proceeded to write a phrase out on paper.
"Well, actually, if you could write a word on me. On my arm, if you'd like."
"On you? Oh dear."
She thought again and then rolled her chair closer to me.
"Mo bá Hánnàh pàde nínú yàrá kòmpútà" she wrote, in Yoruba.
"It means `I met Ana in the computer lab' in Yoruba." I couldn't believe it!
"The very first word I received was in Yoruba. Where are you from?"
"I'm from Oshun state, in Nigeria. Who wrote the word?"
"Wura Ogunji. Her family's from Abeokuta."
And so I pulled the blog up on the computer and showed her. Bunmi smiled. Gave me her name and thanked me.
Thank you, Bunmi.
Today's the last day of this project. That means that tomorrow, I will not run around trying to get a word. I will not have to carry a marker in my pocket. My bag. My car. Just in case. I will not be taking a photo and then scanning it in. I will not be approaching a stranger with my stock quote.
Though I'm not routine in any sort of way in any aspect of my life, I did have somewhat of a "ritual" with this project. The ritual of uttering a phrase, collecting a word, capturing it in visual form, transferring that form into something virtual, kinesthetic.
I think I'm going to miss this. Though I have traces of words everywhere in my life: the photos I've collected in a composition notebook (which by the way was supposed to have 100 sheets of paper and only had 98), words that rubbed off onto the walls of my house, my pillow cases, bed sheets, clothes. Words that echo when I run into people and we recall each other through language.
Okay - I'm getting nostalgic. It's time to quit.
I thank everyone who dared to write on me and everyone who didn't, too. I thank all the witnesses who have followed this project to its completion, and have laughed with me at some of my follies. I don't know yet know how this project has changed me, but I know I'm feeling a lot less shy these days. I'm excited to see what people do with the words I have collected. And to watch the project expand in its own sort of way.
The next posting is all of the words that have come into my life in the past 100 days. All of them. Let's see where they go.
Peace. And Love. And Hola. And Possibilities.
Ana-Maurine Lara
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The first guy I asked was completely skeptical. He looked over my head and said, "Nah - I've got to go do something." I was like, "Are you sure you don't want to write ONE word? It's day 99 of 100." "Nah."
So then I went up to a woman walking in my direction. She was holding about three different bottles in her hands. Note to self - don't ask people carrying a bunch of things if they're willing to juggle them in one hand to give you a word. But, surprisingly, Melissa was open to considering it.
"Will you write a word? It's the 99th day."
"What is this for?"
"It's just a writing project. Just one word. Tomorrow's the last day." I was begging.
She looked at Wu who was standing to my right.
"Is she serious? Is it true?"
Wu nodded emphatically - "Yeah it's true!"
"So, she took the pen and wrote "Hola!"
Thank you Melissa, for making my 99th day!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
What do I say to that?!
"Thank you." And I smile. Big.
P.S. - That's Wu in the background - she's taken many photos when I can't get the angle right or the auto-photo function to work. Thanks Wu!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
We were sitting out by the railroad track, waiting for the videos to start. It was the opening for the DiverseArts show "Facing East" - photos of East Austin taken in a 48 hour period. Her friend was in the show. I had heard about it and wanted to know who was taking photos and what they were seeing. Sitting on the train tracks, I turned to Vanessa, and she was totally there. Without hesitation she wrote "alma". We talked a little bit then, about the show. About where we're from. And then watched the videos on the outdoor screen.
Friday, August 17, 2007
What an awesome time I had tonight. Sarah Sofia, at all of age 3, was off by the fireplace making art. Her mother, Whitney, Wura, Amanda and I were at Shia's enjoying wine and Tiramisu (off the hook, Shia!) when I asked Whitney if she would write a word on me. She wrote `pulse'. I then ran over and asked the budding artist if she would take my photo. I showed her the Polaroid and how to use it. She immediately suggested
"We should take five photos and then arrange them on the wall."
While I was tempted, I decided two was probably good. I kept one photo and gave her the other so that she could do whatever she wanted with it.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
"Candle" is the word today. Which of course makes me think of the Elton John song "Candle in the Wind" which W. sang at dinner. Michelle had just been contemplating candles before I asked her. She was appropriately cynical, though oddly so for folks in Austin - more like what I would expect from East Coasters. She asked me why the word had to be written on my arm. I responded by saying that she could write on my neck or legs if she preferred, that is, if she was interested in writing at all. She agreed - yay!
It's always a tenuous moment when I ask someone to write a word. There's sometimes a slight hesitation, and I'm never sure what it's about. But then people let out their breath, and either agree or disagree. Some folks never betray their emotions in the process. Others beam them.
With only 9 days left, I'm starting to get a little nostalgic - already.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Manuel August 13, 2007
The local laundromat was pumping with activity tonight at 8.30. Several dozen families and men were washing their clothes. I was leaning against the washer, and one guy was looking in my direction. So I decided to ask him. But he was unconvinced. Though curious about the project he was unwilling to write on me. And so was his brother, who was folding all the clothes.
"Estan seguros? Are you sure?"
"No. I don't want to write on you."
So I walked outside and Manuel was there, sitting in his pick up truck talking to a friend. I walked up to the truck.
"Hola. Buenas noches. Mira. Soy artista." [Hi - good evening. Look, I'm an artist."]
"Yo tambien." [Me, too.]
"De veras?" [Yeah?]
"Si. Que tipo de artista eres?" [Yes. What kind of artist are you?]
"Escritora. Y usted?" [A writer. How about you?]
"Constructor." [A construction worker]
"Ah pues - sus materiales incluyen madera, cemento..." [Oh - so you're materials are wood, cement...]
"Y foam." [And foam.]
"Que bien. Mis materiales son las palabras, no mas." [Cool. Mine are words. Only words.]
"Ah pues. Y entonces, que esta haciendo ahora?" [Well. So, what are you doing right now?]
"Un proyecto en que le pido a una persona que escribe en mi brazo. Una persona cada dia por cien dias. He completado 90 dias hasta ahora." [A project in which I ask one person to write on my arm. One person each day for 100 days. Today's the 90th day.]
"Pues faltan diez." [You only have 10 days left.]
"Si." [Yes.]
"Y que haces con las palabras?" [What do you do with the words?]
"Pues, despues de que alguien escribe una palabra, tomo una foto." [After someone writes the word, I take a photo of it.]
"Soy alergico a las fotos." [I'm allergic to photos.]
"Yo tambien. Pero no le tomo fotos a las personas. No mas las palabras. Yo tambien soy alergica." [So am I! But I don't take photos of the people. Only the words. I'm also allergic to photos.]
We laughed.
"Y que haces con las fotos?" [What do you do with the photos?]
"Bueno hasta ahora no he hecho nada. Pero pienso hacer algo. Escribir poesia o pedir que las otras personas escriben algo." [Un until now,nothing. But I'm thinking of doing something with them. Write poetry or ask other people to write poetry.]
"Y que palabra escriben?" [What words do people write?]
"Lo que quieren. Puede ser hola o cualquier otra palabra." [Whatever they want. It could be "hola" or any other word.]
"Deja ver...que escribirias con la palabra hola." [Let's see. What would you write with the word "hola"]
"Pues no se...quizas `hola a la noche...'" [I don't know. Maybe "Hola a la noche..."]
"No! Tienes que escribir algo como `Hola al mar, que saluda la arena en la tarde de mis olvidos.'" [No - you have to write something like `Hola al mar..."]
"Eres poeta tambien, pues?! Ven - escribame una palabra." [So you're a poet, too! Come on, write a word on me.]
"Como no." [Sure, why not.]
And so he wrote "La tarde que beo (veo) caer sobre mi rostro." [The afternoon that falls over my face]
"Deveras que eres poeta." [You really are a poet.]
"Bueno..." [Well...]
He then asked me what else I was working on. I told him I'd written a novel. He asked me the title and laughed when I told him.
"Porque la falda? Tiene que ser algo como `Las Mujeres Traiccionadas.' o algo asi. Yo tengo un libro que dice `El Amor Eterno'." [Why skirt? It should be something like "Women Betrayed" or something like that. I have a book titled "Eternal Love".]
"Bueno - quizas la proxima sera una novela de amor." [Well, maybe the next book will be a romance novel.]
"Si. Asi es mejor, no?" [It's better that way, no?]
"De acuerdo." [Sure.]
We introduced ourselves to each other and bid each other good bye. And I have this amazing line of poetry on my arm.
Not a bad way to start the count down to the final 10 days.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
"Wahalla!" is a Yoruban word meaning `whatever' or `that's too much bother', according to Ruth - who grew up in Nigeria. We were at the Salon I coordinate here in Austin today, and she asked me how it works - this project - and so I showed her. She wrote "wahalla" on my arm. In the Yoruba dictionary it says, "trouble".
Yesterday, Kiswahili. Today, Yoruba. Very nice. My favorite moment, though, was the hand gesture that goes with "wahalla":
Friday, August 10, 2007
About a week ago, Wu received a call for a "grand prize". After we hung up about 10 times, we finally agreed to listen to the phone call that was not a solicitation. Now, keep in mind, my many random jobs over the past 15 years have included phone solicitation (umm yeah - telemarketing) so I have sympathy. But ten times? Anyway, we were finally SUCKERED into going to this "grand prize" event tonight...which the rest of the world knows is a time share sell. Manda had suggested it was a prison round up, but we don't have any warrants out for our arrest, so we weren't too worried `bout that (the state is GANGSTA in Texas). In any case, here we are filling out paperwork for this "grand prize"/time share sales pitch when Carmen Mullen walks up to me and says,
"Are you Ana Lara? From the Dominican Republic? You went to school in..."
and I finished the sentence:
"...Nairobi. Carmen? Carmen?!!"
I have not seen Carmen since we were 10 years old, maybe 11 years old and we were living in Nairobi, Kenya. Last time she saw me I had an unkempt afro and wore really dorky shorts and jellies. I completely recognized her. And, more amazingly - she recognized me.
So, OF COURSE, I had to get a word from her. That is, after we spent 3o minutes yapping about people we knew from back then, and how we both ended up in Austin, Texas. She lives right here in Austin. Where I live. 8868 miles from where we last were when we saw each other. 21 years ago.
And the word? "Malaika" (meaning Angel in Kiswahili) from the song "Nakupenda Malaika" by Fadhili William in 1950s and sung later by Miriam Makeba and most recently by Angelique Kidjo. It was really popular in Nairobi in 1985.
"Malaika, nakupenda Malaika." How fitting that the photo seems to capture it in a heart.
And no, we did not get the time share and no, Carmen isn't in sales, either.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
We were playing theatre games for change all night. And then...well, Tyrone and I first met by email over six months ago, but we hadn't met in person. We met on Tuesday night and then tonight I asked Tyrone to write a word on me. The word was "struggle". Fitting in discussions about social justice. I have a t-shirt that reads "Greetings from the struggle." And now, I have it on my neck, too. I didn't get to see the word or know what it was until a friend of mine said it outloud, and now, in the picture.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
I walked into Ventana del Soul where David was playing a computer game.
"Umm. We're closed. I'm only here because there's a meeting upstairs."
"Oh. Well, would you like to give me a word?"
"Sure." He said, leaning over the counter.
"Nerf. It's the first word that came to mind."
I smiled, knowing that he and I are of the same generation. Nerf rhymes with Smurf. And is squeezable. Immediate images of Nerf footballs come to mind. Flashing orange and green. Where there ever Nerf Smurfs?
I promptly left the cafe, word on arm, and waited for my friend to arrive. Alas, we were headed elsewhere.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
Sunday, August 5, 2007
and he wrote "Health".
"Thank you." I said.
"Yes. So you're a writer?"
"Umhmm. Fiction and poetry."
"That's very nice."
"I enjoy it."
I paused to look at the Star headline. Supposedly Brad Pitt is suggesting to Angelina that she go to rehab for her weight loss problem? What? Mark was checking me out from head to toe - I'm sure because I have this mohawk and have just asked him to write on my arm. So, I turned to him and asked:
"Where are you from?"
"I'm from here, but I grew up in West Africa."
"Oh - I grew up in Nairobi."
"I hear Nairobi is very nice."
"I enjoyed it, but you know I was growing up there."
"Yes. I've wanted to go to Nairobi but haven't had the opportunity."
"I've wanted to go to West Africa, but haven't had the opportunity either."
The woman behind the check out was finished ringing up all the ingredients.
"Have a nice night."
"You, too."
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Czarina's in town visiting. I asked her to write a word on me this morning and she asked if she could have a minute to think.
10 hours later, we got back to business. I asked her again.
"Yes! It's a simple word."
"That's cool."
"I want to write it on your waist."
I got the correct side of my shirt up and she wrote "MOVE" in big letters. Right on my waist.
Very cool. She's into dancing and movement and movements...Then she said
"It felt so familiar to write that word. And then I realized I used to make posters with that word all the time."
Cellular memory. Translated. Onto the body
Friday, August 3, 2007
Young author/Joy Harjo
Random person coming up to author's table/Author sitting behind table
Writing in books/Writing on bodies
I'm not one who is usually star struck. Half the time I'm sticking my foot way into my mouth and don't even realize that I'm supposed to be star struck. But...I have to admit...I was a little star struck. I mean, really, all I wanted to do was kick back and have some cold water and a great conversation. But it was a reading (refer back to set up discussion above).
So anyway. She agrees to write a word, and she rights "joy" on my left arm.
"Kinda obvious, I know. But hey."
"Yeah - that's awesome. Thanks!"
Awkward moment.
"It was great to meet you. Thanks again."
And onto the next person. I wandered into the crowd, watched from afar for a minute and then Wura and I wandered downstairs to the exhibit where she had spotted this really great piece titled "Willie Ninja (Hot)" by J. Garrett Marmando. And I knew. This was where the photo had to take place. Hot.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
And, how incredible is this, just as I pulled up to get her, Andy was walking by. We don't know where Andy was going or coming from at that hour, but that's irrelevant. He was perfectly content to walk up the hill by himself at 2.30 in the morning. And I mean - what was I doing? So, I stopped him.
"Excuse me!" my voice boomed through the dark.
He turned and stared.
"Would you like to write a word on my arm?" No introduction, no "Hi, I'm a writer..." It was 2.30am, people.
"Sure. Hmm..." He took the sharpie from my hand.
"What word shall I write? I know - drink. Like what it says on your T-shirt."
My T-shirt, which is well broken in, says `Drink Cultura'. You know how those T-shirts riffing off of commercial brands were HUGE in the 90s and early 00s. Yup. That's mine (I also used to have one that read "All Temperature Queer" but I got rid of it when it faded); old, worn in and still one of my faves.
So we stood in the half light of the street lamp and Andy wrote "drink" on my arm. I thanked him and he smiled.
"Sure!" and stridently disappeared into the night.
Meanwhile, L. was working on getting her bike into the trunk of the car. Eventually, she did. It all worked out perfectly.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Derek August 1, 2007
"Cause I always forget things." Awesome word, Derek.
I needed to forget a few things today. You know when you have those days? Today was one. I needed to forget that moment when I leaned down under a metal bin and then stood straight up and bumped my head. And I needed to forget a couple of really awful comments that I heard floating in the air.
A word like forget makes me feel philisophical. Like what do we choose to forget and remember? As a people, cultures and societies, what do we forget and remember? What has been forgotten and what does our memory hold despite what's been omitted?
I remember (ha! see - memory in process) this sub-plot in Animal Dreams by Barbara Kingsolver, when the main character (I forgot her name and have had to go look it up) Codi Noline remembers having seen her mother's death. But everyone, all the adults in her life, insist on telling her that she was not there that day. Because I don't want to ruin the story, I won't say what happens, but let's just say: her memory of her mother's death becomes critical to revealing truths about her life that she had been unaware of.
And how do we quantify or qualify memory? Where does truth really lie?
See - it does make me feel philisophical. And, I need to go sleep some more. So, I'm off to dream - and hopefully, remember my dreams.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
"Just a minute, I'm thinking." he insisted as he turned and ordered his beer.
When he was ready, he wrote "inquisitive" on my arm. He said it was the first word that came to mind.
Doug July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
"Namaste" she said, "So you can walk with an open hand and an open heart."
See - Amanda Johnston's always keeping it real and walking with love. This is an incredible, powerful woman. And she's reminding me to walk with an open hand. Thank you Manda!
Amanda said, "Now, no one else has written that word, right? You aren't going to come to me tomorrow and be like - oh so and so also wrote namaste, right?"
Naw - this is a first. But I might have to do it again sometime. "Namaste."
Sunday, July 29, 2007
C. and Scott July 29, 2007
We were all there for one thing: Pizza. East Side Pies rests on a shabby corner in East Austin, a screen door the only thing between it and the world. They arrived at the same time that we did. And so I took out my pen while W. went inside to pick up our order (curry base pizza with potatoes, broccoli and was OFF THE CHAIN); she waited on the porch while her friend/partner went inside.
"Hi. I'm doing this word project...yadda yadda."
"Sure." and "I feel like if I'm going to write one word, it has to be..."
She sat with pen in hand. I was standing. It was almost a little awkward. I felt like I was staring intently, so I looked away. Back at the car, up at the ceiling. I didn't want to put her on the spot like that. I just wanted to get a word. But alas, the full weight of my request was weighing on me. Her friend/partner walked out.
"Can you give me a word?" she asked him.
"One word."
"Uh - I don't know. Go!"
At which point she smiled.
"I thought of one."
So, she wrote "ideal" on my arm. And then offered her friend/partner the pen.
"You wanna write go on her arm?"
At which point, I could have taken authority and said "Nope, sorry - just one of you." but I was curious about the sense of licence and participation. And that she had invited him in to participate as a natural flow to the interaction. Now that's kinda cool.
And he wrote, too.
I introduced myself at the end. And what happened? I forgot her name - it's something great like Claudette or Celeste. Her friend/partner's name is Scott.
So, C and Scott thank you for my words!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
There were three women furiously sifting through materials spread out on the bench in front of Las Manitas. More precisely, two women furiously sifting and another woman was watching, lending moral support as she stood with her parasol to the side of the commotion. Naturally, I was going to approach her.
Turns out Anonymous word writer is Japanese, and I believe is only visiting Austin. I explained what I was doing and she looked around, scared and nervous for a second (who is this person? why is she asking me to write on her?), so she called to the woman she was with, and Ring Leader turned around and demanded to know what I was doing (kindly, of course). So, I explained to her and she said, "Cool." and took the cap off the marker. Then she turned to Anonymous and said, "But you can write in another language. You should do it." So, Anonymous very quickly scrawled a word on my arm. And then the frenetic panic kicked in. Ring Leader explained, "We're on a scavenger hunt." "Yes," said Anonymous, "I thought you were also on the scavenger hunt."
No. Just getting a word. Just being little old me getting a word. I introduced myself to Anonymous and she nodded and said, "Yes." and I figured that was all that was going to happen today. I was going to get the word "cat" in Japanese, and frenetic nods. No names, no "maybe I'll see you around town."
I don't even know what they were looking for. But I found a cat, people. It's on my arm. In Japanese lettering.
I think next time I'll aim to leave my house for brunch.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Tonight I got the word "Mexica" from b-girl Laura Rios. She tagged it onto my neck and it's beautiful. We were at a party, so the resulting photograph is blurry and hard to see (especially after a very delicious strawberry daiquiri), but you can still see traces of the word. The photo actually looks like an image from 110 millimeter film - does anyone remember using 110 cameras? They would take really grainy photographs. And remember when they used to develop film with round edges? If you've never used a 110 speed camera, you'd best watch out. It's so retro it came and left before we realized it was ever here!
But, back to the word. Laura has these amazing tattoos on her shoulders of the Mayan Moon Goddess(es), and she was telling me about her recent life-changing trip to Mexico. So, with pride, she wrote "Mexica". I feel proud just wearing it.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Graber July 25, 2007
Omphaloskepsis - it's Graber's favorite word. Of course, I had to try and figure out what it meant. So, I thought about the "skepsis" and guessed "a skeptical man"? No. Not at all. That is not even close. Though, you could make a case for it, I suppose.
It means the contemplation of one's navel as a form of meditation. Or navel gazing, but in a mystical sort of way.
It's a cool word - and it's on my arm. So, I'm off to skep my omphalo peeps.
Oompaloompa Oompaloompa Oompaloompa...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Jose Lara July 24, 2007
Only 30 days left! Today is Day 70 of the Written Word. I can't believe it. Well...30 days is still 30 days.
Today's word is "family". Jose told me that family is the most important thing to him. Absolutely the most important. He had just also told me how his 11 year old niece is coming to live with him. He took out his red marker and wrote the word, which to me was absolutely perfect - what with all the connotations of family/blood, etc. And the synchronicity is pretty fantastic since I spent the past weekend creating family with RedBone folks. And not to mention that Jose and I share the same last name. Family.
I like how the green tones of the photo offset the red. I'm still not such a great photographer, but I'm definitely having fun.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Now, this is the thing. Sherri's life work is about how we use language to shape our realities. In fact, she's coming out with a book soon all about this. About how we use language, and words, and how we can tap into their complete divine meanings. So, OF COURSE, I'm going to ask her for a word. And she wrote, on my right arm, "Divine". She told me that sometimes she writes the word "love" over her heart when she needs a little in her own life.
And THEN Wura, sitting to my right, got really excited and wanted a word, too. Sherri became quiet, and hmmmed. "I don't know why, but this is the word that's coming to me for you." Sherri gave Wura the option of chosing where she wanted the word and so Wura chose her hand ("oh, but it will wash off!" she said and then shrugged and put out her hand).
So, today is the first day in this project where the word formed a circle: divine evolution tenderness.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Thank you Dr. Allen.
Jafari Allen July 22, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Reggie Harris July 21, 2007
We were outside where I had fired up the grill. A circle of us stood around absorbing the heat from the fire. I asked Reggie to write a word on me. He got down on his knee and wrote "joy" on my foot. What better place to look to be reminded but the foot that steps forward first?
Friday, July 20, 2007
We were getting ready to head into town and do a reading when I asked Samiya if she would write a word on me.
Now, I have to note that since beginning this project I have had the privilege of being at two retreats with other writers. So it is in this context that I have gleaned words to grace my body. Samiya wrote "transmogrify" - which means, simply stated, to change in appearance or form. Which is a beautiful play on the change visualized on my body by the mere presence of words. Which I then had to illustrate in the act of taking the photograph.
Very cool.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Tonight we were sitting around after our journey to the lake. We have been gathered for the RedBone Press retreat. Ernest was sitting to my right and so I asked him if he'd write a word on me. He agreed and wrote "peace" on my neck. Samiya Bashir agreed to take a photo of me and so I wandered over to the corner and as she took my photo, realized I was staring directly into the ancestor's face. The image is from a series of German ethnographic prints from the 19th century. I, of course, forgot to write down where the prints are from and which print this is, since after the photo I was so taken aback that this man's face and mine were at eye level.
I am fascinated by the words on my neck. Does the neck, like in Yoruba mythology, seat the soul?
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
But Jason was really into it. He was like "Yeah - I'll do it! This is a heck of a project." And he wrote `look'. Before sidling off behind the other man.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
So the picture's a little blurry, but Mike (aka MR.) wrote "me" on my fourth finger. He wanted to write it in ball point pen first, but then I pointed out it wouldn't be visible. So he wrote it in permanenet marker. He said, "Because you should always take care of yourself first."
And no, it's not a Queen Latifah reference. Though it could be if I wanted it to be, really.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Monday. I think Mondays are my low point with this project. Thank goodness there are people like Ivan to make things right. I went to HEB to get a movie at the $1 rental thing they have there. Ivan was leaning back on the toy machine (you know the ones with the CLAW that never works). I asked him if he was in line and when he said no, I responded, "Well actually..." yadda yadda..
Ivan asked me what other words people had written on me. I recalled the ones that were first on my mind.
"Possibility. Hi. Luv. Love." W. piped in with "Divine."
"Yes, divine was from yesterday!"
He said, "Well, I had thought of a word earlier. I'll do it." and he leaned over and wrote "abalone on my right arm. Abalone. Amazing.
And then, when I told him about this website he told me he would definitely follow this up. That's awesome. Thanks Ivan. Thanks for making Monday marvelous.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Okay - I could have sworn I posted this, but I came to my blog and it wasn't here. Twilight zone...or maybe it's the word "divine" that Senalka wrote on me. Or maybe I was just really tired on Sunday and just thought I posted it. Anyway, though this is dated for July 15th, I'm actually posting it on July 17th. Thus the ramble.
Senalka wrote "divine" on my neck. How beautiful is that?
It's amazing how my neck has been the repository for so many divine words:
prayer, gratitude, graceful wind, homeland, cancer, divine
I'm liking this. I'm really liking this.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
After taping my grant envelope shut - mind you, the address was INSIDE the envelope, thereby requiring that I untape it to retrieve the address - I went to my place in line. Standing behind me was a young woman to whom I turned and promptly asked if she'd like to write on me.
Her enthusiasm made me enthusiastic, too. I suddenly felt myself waking up.
"A word, huh? Any word? Hmm. Let me think about this."
"Do people usually think awhile before writing a word?"
"Not always. It can really be anything. Anything at all."
"Okay." Her gaze took in the post office in an attempt to receive inspiration. She decided, "I'll write something nice." and wrote "unity" on my left arm.
We continued to wait in line, made small talk. And when all was over, we introduced ourselves twice to each other and waved goodbye about five times. It was great.
I then went outside, W. took my photo. Do not be confused by the word on my t-shirt "Mariposa" which means butterfly in Spanish. Today's word is really on my arm. Frankly, I think I look like one of those models from the Modell's catalogues. And no, that's not a pained expression on my face, it's a decaffeinated smile.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Ronny July 13, 2007
Today was a hot day in Austin. Apparently as hot as 100 degrees...I couldn't tell you if it was in the shade, cause I was under a hot metal roof all day.
I got the word "alligator" from Ronny. He was passing through and asked me what was on my neck (the word from last night). So I told him about the project and he wrote for me. He told me alligator is his favorite word.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
"Cancer. I wrote cancer."
It was the first time someone wrote something on me where I was totally mortified. I'm terrified of cancer and all that it brings, and have people close to me who are living and battling cancer. Florinda did not know this about me, though.
"Grrl - why did you write cancer on me?"
"Because this nine-year-old boy in my class told me today that he has cancer. Leukemia. I didn't realize he had cancer until he told me. It's been on my mind all day."
And then, I thanked her. For humbling me with this word. For inviting me to share something that moved her so deeply. And for allowing all of us at that table to share the weight of our struggles.