Thursday, June 28, 2007

Today's word was given to me by L'Oreal Snell at the reading in Pittsburgh. We drove down there in the big bus, Paris is Burning on the televisions, and ate some sushi and down-home cooking before parking our butts in the Hillside Center auditorium/gym to listen to Carl Phillips, Cornelius Eady, Toi Dericotte and Yusef Komanyakaa speak the good word. And by good I mean the humorous, poetic, deviant word.

So, in accordance with the mood, L'Oreal wrote "orgasm" on my wrist (picture to come shortly when the scanner is once again available). I said, "Oh - okay. Nobody's written that one yet. That's hot." and she said, "I don't mean it in a sexual way?" You don't? Oh - that's right. Orgasm in the sensual intellectually stimulating way, right?


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