Friday, May 18, 2007

So this morning I'm in Portland, Oregon. About to embark into the southwestern Oregon wilderness. I asked Marie if she wanted to write on me. Now, Marie is a cool lady. She's just cool. So, I was kinda nervous when I asked her (you know - like who's this random person in my house asking me if I'll write on her?), and she was like, Yeah. I think there's a theme here people. NERVOUS. I'm hoping that soon I'll be less self-conscious, but who knows.

So, then, Marie said she'd write on my calf. "I like legs." she said. She wrote: Effusive (unduly demonstrative, lacking reserve; pouring out, overflowing) and finished by saying, "I hope I spelled it correctly." You did, Marie. It's spelled correctly.

But, it's cold up here in Portland folks. That's why the photo came out a little bland. Doesn't my leg just look cold? Yeah.

Abuja is gone. Brachiate is fading. We're off to the woods.

I love these words, covering me like new skin.

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